Professional highly effective agent for cleaning deposits in combustion chambers on the surface of the heat exchanger of a condensing gas boiler.
Step 1:
it is necessary to apply the product until the surface is completely damp. Leave the product to react for 5-15 minutes. After processing, rinse well with running water.
Also suitable for aluminum surfaces.
Step 2:
use of the agent is necessary to remove deposits in condensate drain pipes and to improve the quality of cleaning. After use, a protective film forms on the metal surface - the process of passivation.
Mandatory for passivation of aluminum surfaces.
Alkaline agent for cleaning combustion chambers of condensing boilers "SVOD Professional", 1 l
Professional high-performance agent for cleaning deposits in the combustion chamber on the surface of the heat exchanger of condensing gas boilers. Application: spray the product onto the cold outer …
price: 210 UAH
Acidic agent for cleaning combustion chambers of condensing boilers "SVOD Professional", 1 l
Professional high-performance agent for cleaning deposits in the combustion chamber on the surface of the heat exchanger of condensing gas boilers. Used after step 1. Application: spray the product o…
price: 170 UAH
Means for cleaning a solid fuel boiler, chimney from soot
Many users of solid fuel heating appliances are faced with the problem of chimney fouling, the appearance of condensate, as a result of which the draft disappears, a phenomenon such as reverse draft may occur, the color of the smoke changes.
The cause of creosote in the chimney may be:
  • use of freshly sawn firewood
  • insulated or poorly insulated chimney
  • the use of resinous species of firewood - spruce or pine.
This product is an effective, high-quality and affordable means of non-mechanical cleaning of chimneys, fireplaces, solid fuel boilers and stoves.
SVOD Professional for cleaning the chimney and boiler, 1 kg
Means for easy (non-mechanical) soot and tar deposits removal in: solid fuel boilers chimneys stoves and stoves all types of fireplaces Mode of application: Melt the heater and warm it…
price: 175 UAH
SVOD Professional для очистки дымохода и котла, 1 кг (пакет)
Средство для легкого (немеханического) удаления сажи и смолистых отложений в: твердотопливных котлах дымоходах печках и плитах каминах всех типов Способ применения: Растопите отопит…
price: 145 UAH
SVOD Professional для очистки дымохода и котла, 30 кг
Средство для легкого (немеханического) удаления сажи и смолистых отложений в: твердотопливных котлах дымоходах печках и плитах каминах всех типов Способ применения: Растопите отопит…
price: 2,990 UAH
Reagents for removing all types of deposits: scale, iron oxides, biology
Practice shows that as a result of the operation of any heat exchange equipment, a large amount of deposits are formed, such as scale (carbonate-calcium deposits), sludge (iron oxide deposits), biofouling (microbiological products).
It is not unimportant that 1 mm of deposits increase energy consumption up to 10%. As a result, the system works with low efficiency. This is due to the large amount of deposits of hardness salts on the walls of pipes and equipment.
We have developed and produce reagents that easily remove even the most difficult deposits!
If you do not know the composition of the deposits - send us a sample, or a cutting from the heating system and we will select the correct reagent.

"SVOD-Professional" means for disinfection and odor elimination in storage water heaters
"SVOD-Professional" means for disinfection and odor elimination in storage water heaters Professional, highly effective product for removing biological deposits, disinfecting internal surfaces a…
price: 225 UAH
"SVOD-TVN" Professional for removal of calcium carbonate-deposition, 1kg
Professional remedy for the removal of carbonate-calcium sedimentations. Dry powdered product. Effectively and safely removes deposits (scale) from all heating surfaces. It is used for cleaning…
price: 275 UAH
"SVOD-TVN" Professional for removal of iron oxide deposits, 1 kg
It is known that iron in the presence of oxygen and moisture forms iron oxide (commonly it is called rust). If the corrosion process has already started, then it is problematic to stop it. We present…
price: 275 UAH
A professional tool for removing calcium carbonate and iron oxide deposits, as well as microbiological products. Dry powdery product. Effectively and safely removes deposits (scale, corrosion prod…
price: 275 UAH
"SVOD-TVN" EXTRA universal means for removing all types of deposits (1kg)
The most acute problem in the operation of the heat exchange and power equipment is the formation of deposits (scale), which leads to waste of energy, decrease of the capacity of the water system. …
price: 275 UAH
"SVOD-TVN" Professional to remove calcium-carbonate deposits, 10 kg
Dry powder-like product containing the active substance, a corrosion inhibitor and a nonionic surfactant. On this basis prepare a 10% cleaning solutions by dissolving the calculated amount of product…
price: 2,600 UAH
"SVOD-TVN" Professional for removal of iron oxide deposits, 10 kg
It is known that iron in the presence of oxygen and moisture forms iron oxide (commonly it is called rust). If the corrosion process has already started, then it is problematic to stop it. We present…
price: 2,600 UAH
SVOD-TVN BIO +, 10 kg
A professional tool for removing calcium carbonate and iron oxide deposits, as well as microbiological products. Dry powdery product. Effectively and safely removes deposits (scale, corrosion product…
price: 2,600 UAH
UNIVERSAL means "SVOD-TVN” EXTRA for cleaning of heating systems and industrial installations from the iron oxide and carbonate-calcium deposits. "SVOD-TVN” EXTRA it is presented as white substanc…
price: 2,600 UAH
"SVOD-TVN"​  to remove calcium-carbonate deposits, 30 KG
Для профессионального обслуживания. «SVOD-ТВН» - сухой порошкообразный продукт, содержащий активное вещество, ингибитор коррозии и неионогенное ПАВ. На его основе готовятся 5-10% моющие растворы п…
price: 6,600 UAH
"SVOD-TVN" to remove iron oxide deposits, 30 KG
Для профессионального обслуживания. «SVOD-ТВН» - сухой порошкообразный продукт, содержащий активное вещество, ингибитор коррозии и неионогенное ПАВ. На его основе готовятся 5-10% моющие растворы п…
price: 6,600 UAH
SVOD-TVN BIO +, 30kg
For professional service. SVOD-TVN BIO + is a dry, powdery product containing an active substance, a corrosion inhibitor, and a nonionic surfactant. On its basis, 5-10% washing solutions are prepa…
price: 6,600 UAH
"SVOD-TVN" Professional (10 to 100g)
Designed specifically for service centers, i.e. for professional service An indispensable product for cleaning and preventing washing machines from scale. Using this means, you are guaranteed a delic…
price: 380 UAH
SVOD-RVN Professional, 1 L (1.35 kg)
Liquid concentrated means for washing heat exchange and heat power equipment. "SVOD-RVN" Professional detergent solutions (1 liter per 5 liters of water) are used to remove carbonate-calcium depos…
price: 290 UAH
"SVOD-RVN" Professional, 5 liters (6,75 kg)
Concentrated liquid for washing of heat exchanger and power equipment. Cleaning solutions based upon the means "SVOD-RVN"​ Professional (1 liter per 5 liters of water) is used for removing calciu…
price: 1,400 UAH
Antifreeze "SVOD-AI"
Environmentally friendly coolant for local heating systems, made on the basis of propylene glycol, which belongs to the 4th class of hazard and is safe for human life and animals.
Coolant for heating "SVOD-AI ", 10 liters
Environmentally friendly coolant for local heating systems, Antifreeze "SVOD-AI " is manufactured on the basis of propylene glycol, which belongs to the 4th class of hazard and is safe for human l…
price: 1,800 UAH
Coolant for heating "SVOD-AI ", 20 liters
Made on the basis of propylene glycol, which belongs to the 4th class of hazard and is a safe chemical for humans and animals. The composition of the antifreeze contains special anti-corrosion add…
price: 3,600 UAH
Антифриз для гелиосистем SVOD АИ-Solar
Продукт разработан специально для использования в высокотемпературных режимах: гелиосистемах, солнечных коллекторах и тепловых насосах Теплоноситель на основе монопропиленгликоля с присадк…
price: 1,800 UAH
Research and Design Institute (R&D Institute) ““Water-purifying technologies”, Ukraine.
The company is made a specialty out of development and production agents in the area of water conditioning and purification. A friendly personnel is worked on tasks at hand. The staff consists of one hundred and fifty professionals of different specialities. There are modern laboratories, a development laboratory, research centre, innovation department and service in the technological infrastructure of the institute. According to demands DSTU (State Standards of Ukraine) ISO 9001-2001 it has been introduced quality management system at the company. Over the years the Institute has approved himself as reliable producer of qualitative modern products which are in charge of ecological standard. The activity of “Water-purifying technologies” is marked by many rewards of which is prize of rating “100 the best companies of Ukraine” in nomination of “Industrial ecology, conservation of energy and resource conservation”. Specialists of Institute have used experience which they have got in the performance of tasks of commercial scale when they have been creating household seria “SVOD”. That is why our filters are differed improved reliability and improved ability.
Trading house «SVOD»
LLC “Promdex-Ukraine”